
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Tuk tuk: a motorcycle pulled carriage that fits about 2-4 people comfortably. The record number of people we saw today on a tuk tuk? 9.

Alongside motorcycles, tuk tuks are the most popular and convenient forms of transportation on the dirt roads of Siem Reap. You can also rent bicycles for $1 per day to roam around the city but with a scorching 40 degree sun, we decided against it.

We went to visit the general market in downtown Siem Reap. It is right beside the river and merchants sell everything from jewellery, scarves and souvenirs to dried meats and raw chicken. Haggling is a must here and most merchants discunt their original price by half if they see you walking away or losing interest.

Quick note: There is absolutely no need to bring Cambodian riel. Merchants either prefer or only accept USD. All the stores, hotels, lodges, restaurants and markets deal primarily with USD.

Wat = temple

Wat Preah Prom Rath

We meandered around town and visited Wat Damnali and Wat Preah Prom Rath. Both are beside elementary schools and are home to many monks. Wat Preah Prom Rath boasts a 500 year history but you would never be able to guess from the pristine tiles and freshly painted walls. Inside was an impressive pagoda and along the walls told the story of Buddha gaining enlightenment. Around the Wats are many shrines and tombs, each more colourful and embellished than the next.

One of the monuments of Wat Damnali

 It feels like 40 degrees outside so we are incredibly happy we chose a room with air conditioning. It is our Shangri-la after returning from a long day of walking under the Cambodian sun. Our lodge is quaint and cozy and the staff are incredibly hospitable. We set a budget of $10 a day for food which seems more than reasonable with the lodge restaurant serving us delicious and fresh food all day. Apart from the tuk tuk drivers constantly pestering visitors for business, everyone has been extremely welcoming and polite.

We're journeying out to the Night Market later this evening but for now, we're staying out of the sun and enjoying some icy banana shakes.

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