
Hong Kong in a day

The Peak
It was great to be here early in the morning to miss the traffic up the winding mountain road as well as the tour groups being herded this way and that. We took a leisurely 40 minute stroll around the peak on the main path. On clear days, you can get a gorgeous view of the city, the harbour and the skyscrapers.
We ate at the well known Tsui Wah featuring classic HK snacks such as milk tea and HK style French toast.

View from the Peak on a foggy morning
There was also a few stores with the niftiest of gadgets and games. For $300 CAD, you can buy a dinosaur with a computer-like device inside which allows the dinosaur to get hungry, walk around and poop. If you put two male dinosaurs together, they'll fight. Put a male and a female together and they'll begin a courtship. If you move the dinosaur to a different climate, say from Hong Kong to Australia, it will recognize the shift, get sick and begin to sneeze. The dinosaur comes with pretend food, water and medication. It understands all sorts of languages but will only respond to its owner's requests. The pet of the future?

The $300 pet of the future

Jumbo Restaurant
For lunch, we went to a 4-story boat restaurant embellished with dragons and phoenixes. Chinese cuisine is served on all floors except the roof top where a Western buffet can be enjoyed. A short 5 minute ferry rides takes you to and from the restaurant. Inside, we ordered dim sum while watching the ferries go by. The restuarant also looks out at the marina where huge yachts worth a few million dollars are stationed. If you ask the ferry drivers, they'll point out which boat belongs to which celebrity.
Ferry ride to the floating Jumbo Restaurant

Dim sum lunch at the Jumbo

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