
"What do you mean you think you're going to die?!?"

So Nevil had been feverish and sore for the last few days and we concluded it was malaria. It's too bad we didn't take any anti-malaria medication before our trip. So at 9:45 pm when the left side of his body went numb, we spazzed, freaked out a bit and went on a journey to find a hospital.

Unlike North America where you can call a taxi company to send a ride to pick you up, the best bet in Phuket is to wave one down on the streets. But it was absolutely hopeless trying to get a taxi at night in the city's club district. Eventually, the manager of the guesthouse offered to give us a ride to the Phuket International Hospital about 40 minutes away. While I would say our situation was an urgent one, seeing as malaria can be fatal, I do not think it was necessary to drive 130 km/h on residential roads ontop of not staying between the lines. Good grief, I thought I was going to die too that night.

Anyways after two hours, the blood test came back negative for malaria, dengue fever, and a bunch of other serious illnesses. While the doctor did not know what kind of virus it was, it was not fatal which was very good news indeed. We went home as very happy campers in a taxi that drove at equally frightening speeds.

In sum: Nevil won't be dying anytime soon! Hurraaah!

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