
Cambodian Cuisine

I mentioned before that our budget for food was $10 per day and we enjoyed some terrific Cambodian cuisine. The most common were noodle soups with a variation of pork or beef and vegetables.

Nevil enjoyed a lovely steamed snake fish served on a hot plate with coals. Although quite succulent, it did require patience to spit out all the bones.
Steamed snake fish
My favourite meal was at the Angkor Palm with their wide range of traditional Khmer delicacies. We enjoyed fresh spring rolls with local vegetables, mango and fish salad, local pork spare ribs in a honey and spice sauce, fish amok with tonle sap, green curry with beef and eggplant, and cha turkuon (morning glory in oyster sauce). Served with a bowl of steamed rice, the food was divine. Our favourites were the fish amok and morning glory for their tender texture and unusual, yet mouth-watering, taste.
Traditional Khmer food

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