
In the beginning...

In between writing papers, finishing an undergraduate thesis, and studying for exams, a 3 week trip has officially been solidified! All the plane tickets, lodging reservations, and travel visas have been booked and purchased.

The journey will begin in about 2 weeks and go as follows:
Toronto - Hong Kong - Siem Reap, Cambodia - Phuket, Thailand - Bangkok, Thailand- Hong Kong- Toronto

On the bucket list will be:
- riding an elephant
- learning to surf
- cycling around Angkor Wat
- taking a tuk tuk journey
- visiting a floating market
- feeding macaque monkeys
- kayaking through mangroves
- not dying from all the spicy foods ... and malaria-carrying mosquitoes

Not on the bucket list but probable events:
- getting very lost somewhere in the jungle
- falling in elephant poop
- jet lag somewhere along the 6 airplane flights
- unstoppable crying from spicy foods

Excited for the trip? Yes
Excited to finish undergraduate? Yes
Excited to write 1 exam, 1 paper, and a 2 hour thesis defense? Nope